sedar x sedar,diam x diam,da 15 haru kite berpuase kan! how time flies~ tinggal 15 hari lagi utk kite berpuase dan mengecap segala nikmat dan pahale di bulan ramadhan..h0pe u guys out there rjin2 la melipat gandakan amalan di bulan yg mulia ini... and n0te for myself als0! same2 lah kite mengejar keberkatan dariNYA!:)
2 hari lepas,which is saturday, 5 of us went to stuttgart! we b0ught group ticket..only 6euro per pers0n! saving! heee t0 save our travel, we've decided to do day trip only...s0,we can save on h0tel and train ticket... :) s0, we have to sacrifise our sleep! hee after sahur,only a few hours sleep then our j0urney begun! heee
we take train at 8.01am from heidelberg and arrive stuttgart around 9.40am..the duration around one hour and fourty minutes approximate..when we arrive,we l0ooked for tourist information and checked for the attraction there...and beside of the tourist information counter,there was a mercedes Benz exhibiton. and its free!
we have decided to used bus tour..s0 we can h0p in and h0p 0ut whenever we like~ heee only 15euro per pers0n! :)
this is the bus!
first place dat we've visit was Mercedes Benz Museum..only 4euro per pers0n..and i think it is worth it! bec0z we get the merceds benz tag tu..ala yg utk gantung kad matrik..huhuhu dkt dlm museum tuh,very interesting! fr0m the fundamental,hist0ry,type and m0stly pasal kete la kan~ rugi sape yg g stuttgart x pg merc museum! a few picture here,and slbihnye u ol bley g0dek2 my faceb0ok~ :)
next ktrg pg nek strassebahn~ if im n0t mistaken..huhu train tu adalah train yg tertua di situ
dlm train,sy and arifah sat beside 2 turki gul.. their name are Elphi and Lola..they invite us for iftar in the Rorbarh Mosque.. Alhamdulillah! murah rezeki.. :)
this is the f0od! :)
it was nice meeting u gurls! :) and What a w0nderful j0urney that we have go through together and m0re j0urney t0 go~ heee :D OK...nk smbung td0q..huhu bru td0q 4 jam~ heee nite peeps! Have a nice day evry0ne! :D
jeleznyeee babee!!! hehehe nye aku nk jeles nie :) weee...happy tgk ko happy :)...nanti dah balik make sure bwk ole2 untuk aku k :) weeee
my bestie! ieda n mimy : Aku d0akan k0rang dimurahkan rezeki n satu hari nti dpt travel europe dgn insan2 tersyg.. amin!! :)
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